Amazing Imaging


Seeing is believing. Biological imaging takes us through a fascinating journey into the microscopic world of cellular components, cells and tissues, and makes us hear the stories of living cells when they are thriving or failing to do so.

Amazing Imaging started a way VNIR wanted to recognize, appreciate and celebrate cellular imaging, In the  “Amazing Imaging Editions 1 & 2” competition organized in 2020 & 21 several PhD students and young researchers participated with the images captured by them during their research. We are very happy to recognize the great contributions from some of them (images below).

Seeing this enthusiastic participation last year, we are happy to announce that we will continue the Amazing Imaging series!

Amazing Imaging Edition 3 officially opens on June 15, 2022 and will end on August 31, 2022. (We encourage early submissions to avoid last minute delays)

Winners of Amazing Imaging Edition 1


1st Prize

Click for certificate


Anshul Milap Bhat

IISc Banglore


2nd Prize (Shared)

Click for certificate


Sukanya Gayan, IBB

Savitridevi Phule University


2nd Prize (Shared)

Click for certificate


Sumana Choudhury

BITs Pilani Hyderabad


2nd Prize (Shared)

Click for certificate


Rajan Sasmal

JNCSAR, Banglore

Winners of Amazing Imaging Edition 2


1st Prize

Click for certificate


Dr. Roshan Naik

NTU Singapore

Amazing Imaging Edition 3

VNIR continues to appreciate and celebrate the stories you capture. We are curious to see how you masterfully use molecular probes to reveal these stories of living cells.

VNIR is proud to launch “Amazing Imaging, Edition 3”, the details of which are below.

Prize. The award will come with a certificate, cash prize, and VNIR products of the applicant’s choice.

Eligibility criteria

I. Applicant: The contest is open to Research assistants, PhD students and Postdocs. Master’s degree is a pre-requisite. A candidate is allowed to make only one submission. In case more than one person is involved in obtaining the image, only one of them can submit the image. For scientific honesty, the names of the others involved in obtaining the image should be added for reference. The prize money/reagents however will be given to the applicant only. 

II. Image: The image should be from cellular or molecular imaging, captured by the applicant using fluorescent molecular probes. Image capture, handling and processing, should all conform to the ethics of scientific publication.

III. Timing: Only images captured or published in a scientific article during January 2022 - January 2023 (self-stated) qualify for this contest. 

IV. Submission Image: The image for submission should be reduced to a 5MB size (200 dpi or more, 4 in x 4 in or larger). 

V. Recommendation: Signed and scanned copy of a brief recommendation letter by the Research Supervisor (<1MB).

VI. Upon selection for the award:

VIa. Original Image: If the candidate is selected for the prize, VNIR will request for the original size image and it should be submitted before the prize can be formally announced. 

VIb. Personal photograph: The winner of the contest has to share their personal photograph for display on VNIR website.

VIc. Permissions: VNIR should be allowed the permissions to display the winning image, associated caption and photograph of the winner on its website. All other rights will rest with the applicant.